Trigger Collective @ Le Garage: A_R_C_C (FR) + Lische_E

A_R_C_C + Lische_E - trigger collective @ le garage

Trigger Collective @ Le Garage Lab

A_R_C_C Arnaud Rivière (AR) e C_C (Édouard Ribouillault) sono uniti dal 2014 nell’Association de Recherche Contre le Concert. Presenteranno WYSIWYG, un assemblaggio fatto di luce, suono, magnetismo, corpi ed intenzione umana. Una creatura che si dispiega in modo irripetibile.

“Starting with the initial idea of making visible the process of creating their electronic music in vivo, they chose to focus on a fundamental element of live performance: light. By considering this phenomenon from the angle of its electromagnetic radiation, they abandoned any traditional decorative function to concentrate on its informative aspect. On / off / low or high intensity: an array of LEDs and photosensors are used to generate and transform sounds. We hear what we see... and vice-versa. Their experiments materialize in an innovative device: an instrument where the dynamic relationship between light and sound is exposed in a direct, visible dialogue for the audience: visual manipulations influence sound modulations, while maintaining a certain mystery as to the exact mechanics of what’s at work. The magic remains intact.”

Lische_E - Lische_E è ricerca sonora del piacere e dispiacere. Sostanzialmente suona la chitarra.



H18.30 apertura
H19 live
H21 ciao

Ingresso a offerta libera con tessera Le Garage Lab (5e)
Le Garage Lab - vicolo dalla piccola, 8



flyer di @jackslow

in 6 days
le garage lab
vicolo dalla Piccola 8 - Trento