Devid Ciampalini + Cristiano Carosi + Reptilian Expo (Dj set)

Devid Ciampalini + Cristiano Carosi + Reptilian Expo (Dj set)

ah sì ma è vero c'hai ragione eh

_DEVID CIAMPALINI (tape music, spiritual communications)

Devid seems to be looking for something secret and hidden in the sounds he plays with. Surrounded by tape recorders, old synthesizers and strange effects, Devid moves like a medium at the center of his experience, filtering and mixing, and then redistributing sound bubbles in an attempt to merge natural and electronic phenomena into new elements.

Recording devices offer a possibility for spiritual communication and seek to connect us to this different plane of reality.”

Da più di 10 anni collabora con una miriade di progetti ed etichette in giro per il mondo e suona in giro per Italia ed Europa. Passa da Rovereto come tappa del tour europeo insieme a Cristiano Carosi

_CRISTIANO CAROSI (tape music, linguistic research)

He gives particular attention to the field of sound events in the context of the human language and sound as vector of unexplainable meanings.

He records and samples, reassembles and combines sound into  momentary languages, nomad spaces improvising with tape loops made out of field recordings, found sounds and recorded fragmented melodies and live synthesizers

Capoccia dell'etichetta Robba, i suoi progetti sono usciti per Upside Down Recordings, Troglosound, Robba, Nausea e Swollen Avantgarde.

“Reptilian Expo is the moniker of Riccardo Patrone, based in Milano, head of the multiform fantasy tape label Pampsychia and experienced dancefloor shapeshifter.

Reptilian Expo draws both from fast-paced, rhythm-laden grooves and more bouncy, off-kilter weirdo beats to recast dance subcultures into sonic unfamiliar environments with a unique approach.”

Inzom: 5th worlds paludosi, sunytty freestyle, beat gommosi e irresistibili. Nel 2023 è uscito per Artetetra il suo ultimo disco, Cunti.


H20 cena --> live --> dj set
La Foresta - Stazione FS di Rovereto

flyer di Adriana Ghimp (sarà anche il suo compl, passate a fare augury)

Parte di Alimetarecultura, progetto sostenuto nel bando Welfare a Km 0.



11 months ago